Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I was hugged by God this morning!

Ok...maybe not literally, but spiritually it felt a lot like a hug! Alright, let me explain from the beginning. Chloe has a baby blue Bible. I honestly think this little book is her most prized possession. Well, last Wednesday...somehow it got dropped out in the yard. Good old Emma just happened to be the one who found it, and chewed it to pieces. :-( Thankfully it was one of the big girls that found it and not Chloe! Sunday morning on our way to church I quickly realized that that Bible needed to be replaced, and quick! Oh,and Chloe didn't need to know it! I don't think she could handle it. She cried...I mean BooHooed! all the way to church and back home again because she couldn't find her baby blue Bible! Whaaa!

So this morning I went to Commerce to the little store we bought the first Bible from. I prayed in the car...Oh please, Oh please dear God let them still have that Bible!! Let me tell you, he is an awesome God. He must have agreed that Chloe didn't need her feelings hurt. On the shelf...one, just one baby blue Bible. The box it was in was torn and tattered, obviously picked over because of it's sad box. But I didn't care about the shape of the box. It was what was inside I cared about. And it was perfect, just like God's love for us. I know with all my heart that God saw to it that that box got mangled so that it wouldn't be good enough for the random shoppers. He wanted it saved for someone who needed, really needed the perfect baby blue Bible inside. Thank you Lord for my special hug this morning.

To know God loves me, and how he is so willing to bless me over and over again. Knowing full well, I don't deserve it. It's just oso overwhelming. His love is so perfect. I hope my silly story has reminded you of a hug you've gotten from Him. If it has..share please. Leave a message with your story of God's blessings in your life. I would love to read them!!!!

1 comment:

Nena said...

Karry that is such a sweet story. Thanks for posting it.

I have so many stories, I can't choose one. But the best "hug" I have ever been given was the day I was in the hospital while pregnant with Jude (at 25 weeks)... I went to get an ultrasound and the ultrasound tech told me that I was healing, and maybe Jude would hold in there a few more weeks. Boy was that an awesome gift!